★ 负责已建桥梁施工监控、成桥荷载试验项目情况
★ 研究课题获奖情况
(1)《吉林省九站松花江大桥模型试验与结构分析》项目获 2000年吉林省科技进步二等奖。完成项目的所有结构分析部分,第11名。
★ Research Project Award (personal award certificate)
(1)Jilin JiuzhanSonghuaRiverBridgeModel Test and Structure Analysis wonJilinprovince science and technology progress the second prize in 2000. All the structural analysis parts of the project are concluded.
(2) Jilin Province Jilin to Jiangmifeng Expressway Jiuzhan Songhua River Large Highway Bridge Load Test Research Project won Jilin province science and technology progress the third prize in 2000. All the project structural analysis and load test loading program have been completed.
(3) Research on Large Span Cable-stayed Bridge Single Point Flat Hinge Swivel Design and Construction Technology won Heilongjiang province science and technology progress the second prize in 2007, won urban and rural construction in Heilongjiang province science and technology progress the first prize in 2006, construction monitoring site person in charge.
(4) Research on Sifangtai Songhua River Bridge Static Load Test of the Cable Tower Anchorage Zone Full-scale Model won Heilongjiang province science and technology progress the second prize in 2008.
(5) Research on Simple Supported to Continuous Girder Bridge Optimization Design and Construction Technology Project won Heilongjiang province science and technology progress the third prize in 2009.
★ Responsible for the Completion and under ConstructionBridgeConstruction Monitoring Project
(1) Construction monitoring on Fuyin expressway new Jiujiang Yangtze River Highway Bridge with the main span of 70+75+84+818+233.5+124.5m which is twin towers, double cable plane hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge, the bridge is the first bridge in Jiangxi Province, its span ranks 6 in the world among similar bridges that have been built and are under construction, 2012.3~2013.10, on-site structure analysis director. (Already built)
(2) Zhengzhou to Dengfeng fast-track reconstruction project Chaoyanggou Reservoir Bridge (main span of 58+118+188+108m corrugated steel web PC extradosed cable-stayed bridge, the bridge is the largest span cable-stayed bridge with corrugated steel webs) construction safety risk assessment, Wangjiazhuang Reservoir Bridge (main span 60+100+60m box girder variable cross-section) construction safety risk assessment, 2013.8~2013.11, the main director. (Under construction)
(3) ZhejiangQuzhouChangshanBridge(65+108+65m prestressed concrete extradosed cable-stayed bridge),PurpleHarbourBridge(40+65+40m prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge). Bridge construction monitoring and load test project director. 2010.5~2014.10, the main director. (Already built)
(4) Heilongjiang Shuangyashan Shuangsheng Road Anbang River cable-stayed bridge (70+70m with single tower and single cable plane wide box girder cable-stayed bridge) construction monitoring project and bridge load test, 2012.5~2013.9, the main director. (Already built)
(5) Guangdong Dongguan Mayong the second bridge (prestressed 46+80+46m concrete continuous rigid frame bridge) construction monitoring, 2011.8~2012.1, the main director. (Already built)
(6) Heihe city Heihe island large angle V-shaped support of butterfly arch continuous girder bridge (prestressed 51+53+53m concrete continuous girder bridge) construction monitoring, 2010.5~2010.11, 2010, the main director. (Already built)
(7) Construction monitoring on continuous beam bridge across Binsui railway (32+48+32m Railway Continuous Girder Bridge), 2012.5 ~ 2012.10, the main director. (Already built)
(8) Suifen River City, Heilongjiang Province, Xinhua Street overpass (100+100m swivel construction cable-stayed bridge) bridge construction monitoring and load test, the cable-stayed bridge of maximum weight and span in swivel construction for domestic, 2005.5 ~ 2006.5, On-site monitoring director. (Already built)
(9) Construction monitoring on the Small Suifen River(single, double line) extra large bridge (40+64+40m railway continuous girder bridge) in Heilongjiang Province, 2013.11~2013.5, the first person in charge. (Already built)
(10) Construction monitoring and structure analysis of the Songhua River special bridge (65+5×100+65m rigid frame continuous composite girder bridge) in Jilin Province, 2007.10~2005.8, technical director, responsible for structural analysis. (Already built)
(11) Construction monitoring onZhaosongSonghuaRiverBridge(75+5×120+120m rigid frame and continuous composite girder bridge), 2003.10~2005.9, technical director responsible for the structural analysis. (Already built)
(12) Construction monitoring and structure analysis of the Tao Laizhao Songhua River bridge (65+5×100+100m rigid frame continuous composite girder bridge). 2000.07~2003.09, technical director responsible for the structural analysis. (Already built)
(13) Model test and load test structure analysis, plan formulation and on-site load test of Changji expressway Jiuzhan Songhua River Bridge (75+120+75m rigid frame continuous composite girder bridge), 1997.7~1999.9, On-site technical director. (Already built)
★ The Finished Technical Service Projects
(1) 14 pieces of 35m box girder static load test and calculation work of Yanbian Dunhua to Hunchun expressway Xiaga railway overpass inJilin.
(2)Beijing to Harbin highway Caishuang section Lalin River Bridge, Wujintun Bridge calculation task.
(3) Design and calculation of the specialbridgeofGongbinoverpass inHarbin.
(4) The east and west approach design and calculation task ofSunBridgein Songbei.
(5) Reconstruction project of theSonghuariver highway (checking of the bridge paving).
(6) The calculation task of the comprehensive reform and extension project of Dongli square inHarbin.
(7) The calculation task ofHarbinrailway bridge and reinforced concrete half-through arch bridge of national main trunk line inHarbinbelt highway west section.
(8)Harbin belt expressway Songhua river cable-stayed bridge cable tower anchorage zone of segmental analysis and test results drawing program.
(9) Zhejiang Shengzhou twin towers bridge construction drawing design document review compution task.
(10) Cao'e river bridge construction drawing design document review and calculation task.
(11) Preliminary design of Baita hub ramp of Zhuyong expressway Taizhou section I inZhejiangprovince.
(12) Construction drawing design task of DashanwubridgeofZhuyongexpressway Jinhua section inZhejiangprovince.
(13) Construction drawing design of Baita hub special shapedbridgeofZhuyongexpressway Taizhou section I inZhejiangprovince.
(14) The analysis and site monitoring of swivel construction of cable-stayed bridge construction monitoring in Suifenhe.
(15) The bridge detection and single beam test of Qing'an county bridge, Jianhu expressway and Nenhei highway inHeilongjiangprovince.
(16) Fuquan expressway extension project (Fuzhou section) AK0+393.5 A ramp on the 2nd bridge of 3×20m, CK0+093 Putian interchange C ramp bridge of 3×20m, Fuquan expressway extension project (Putian section) AK0+225.40 A ramp on the 1st bridge of 3×20m, PA3 contract section YK319+136.3 right line on the 9th bridge of 3×25m special-shaped bridge with beam calculation and design.