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1、多幅框架式曲线梁桥地震损伤分析 振动与冲击,EI
2、框架式曲线梁桥铰接构造地震反应研究分析 工程力学,EI
3、Strengthening of a reinforced concrete bridge with polyurethanecement composite (PUC),Open Civil Engineering Journal,EI
4、Seismic damage study of asymmetric continuous rigid frame bridge based on nonlinear time history analysis,Open Civil Engineering Journal,EI
5、Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams Strengthened with a Composite of Prestressed Steel Wire Ropes Embedded in Polyurethane Cement (PSWR–PUC) ,International Journal of Civil Engineering,SCI
6、Effects of microporosity on the elasticity and yielding of thin-walled metallic hollow spheres,Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing,SCI
7、冻融与混合氯盐作用下混凝土抗冻性试验研究 世界地震工程 CSCD A
8、盐冻作用下钢筋混凝土梁的疲劳性能试验研究 世界地震工程 CSCD A
9、转体斜拉桥大悬臂站立状态列车振动响应分析 世界地震工程 CSCD A
10、质量布置形式对曲线桥地震反应的影响 世界地震工程 CSCD A
11、车辆速度对大跨斜拉桥行车舒适性的影响分析 中外公路 核心 A
12、单索面大挑臂钢箱梁斜拉桥整体稳定性能分析 公路交通科技(应用技术版) 核心 A
13、非对称独塔斜拉桥受力性能分析 中外公路 核心 A
14、斜拉拱式协作体系桥梁地震响应分析 世界桥梁 核心 A
15、桁架拱桥钢板加固前、后实桥试验对比分析 公路工程 核心 A
16、超高车辆撞击人行天桥的破损特征分析 中外公路 核心 A
17、万吨级斜拉桥水平转体平面转盘受力分析 中外公路 核心 A
18、基于影响矩阵法的非对称独塔斜拉桥索力优化 中外公路 核心 A
19、拉索损伤对斜拉桥静力性能影响分析 公路工程 核心 A
20、MPC高韧性聚合物在简支T梁加固中的应用 公路 核心 A
21、梁拱组合体系桥受力性能研究 中外公路 核心 A
22、拉索损伤对无背索斜拉桥自振特性影响分析 中外公路 核心 A
23、宽桥面刚架拱桥荷载试验与加固技术研究 公路工程 核心 A
24、既有无背索斜拉桥合理内力状态的分析 中外公路 核心 A
25、MPC复合材料加固空心板梁桥静载试验研究 世界桥梁 核心 A
26、某双塔三跨自锚式人行悬索桥静动力行为分析 中外公路 核心 A
27、异形斜杆三连拱桥受力性能及稳定性分析 公路工程 核心 A
28、退化性岛状冻土路基位移场地温响应研究 公路工程 核心 A
29、无背索斜拉拱桥受力性能研究 中外公路 核心 A
30、长挑臂单索面钢斜拉桥荷载试验研究 中外公路 核心 A
31、斜拉桥实测索力计算方法比较 世界桥梁 核心 A
32、北方地区某三孔乱石拱桥坍塌原因分析 公路工程 核心 A
33、基于支持向量机的多年冻土路基融沉变形预测 公路工程 核心 A
34、基于响应面法的自锚式悬索桥有限元模型修正 中外公路 核心 A
35、倾角对无背索斜拉桥的受力影响分析 公路 核心 A
36、复合砂浆预应力钢丝绳加固实桥的试验分析 建筑结构 核心 A
37、自锚式悬索桥吊杆无应力长度控制误差影响分析 中外公路 核心 A
38、钢筋混凝土的抗盐冻性能衰变评定参数的研究 水资源与水工程学报核心 A
39、基于OpenSees对美国加州Yuba桥铰接跨破坏状态分析 世界地震工程 CSCD A
40、铰接点纵向间距对铰接跨破坏状态的影响分析 土木工程与管理学报 核心 A
41、双曲拱桥钢板加固前、后实桥试验对比分析 世界桥梁 核心 A
42、小半径曲线钢箱梁独柱墩匝道桥抗倾覆分析 中外公路 核心 A
43、空间主缆自锚式悬索桥体系转换施工控制 中外公路 核心 A
44、小半径匝道桥空间预应力摩阻试验研究 土木工程与管理学报 核心 A
45、LS-SVM在连续刚构桥标高误差预测中的应用 中外公路 核心 A


1、具有压敏特性的聚氨酯水泥复合材料及其制备方法和应用 CN106746988A
2、一种桥墩防撞装置 CN205711886U    
3、确定斜拉桥合理成桥索力的综合算法 CN105787183A
4、确定斜拉桥合理施工索力的综合算法 CN105568864A
5、一种利用聚氨酯水泥复合材料与钢筋网加固桥梁构件的方法 CN105178203A
6、基于聚氨酯水泥与预应力钢丝绳的桥梁加固装置 CN204875563U
7、一种桥墩防撞装置 CN204385666U
8、桥梁状态监测装置 CN203583363U
9、一种抗倾覆桥墩机构 CN203160116U
10、一种桥梁抗倾覆桥墩支承机构 CN103205927A
11、预应力锚具 CN202530384U
12、水平转体施工斜拉桥平铰转体施工装置 CN202099746U



Academic papers published in recent five years:


1.Quansheng Sun and Jianxi Yang (2010). “Application of Parameter Increment Variation analysis to construction control of cable replacement of cable-stayed bridges.” World Bridges.
2.Quansheng Sun and Jianwei Li (2010). “Research on the reasonable forced state of cable replacement of cable-stayed bridges.” Highway.


3.Quansheng Sun and WU Tong (2010). “Application of BP Neural Network in the Cable-replacing Construction Control of Cable-stayed Bridge” China Safety Science Journal(CSSJ).


4 .Xikun Guan and Quansheng Sun (2010). “Deep ash soft base of large diameter pile static load test”. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.


5.Quansheng Sun, Haiying Yu and Xiaoguang Guo (2010). “Application of Kalman’s Filtering method in construction control for cable replacement of the cable-stayed bridge.” 2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE 2010).

6.Quansheng Sun and Xiaogaung Guo (2010). “Research on the application of BP Neural Network

in construction control for cable replacement of the cable-stayed bridge.” 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2010).


7 .Maoqi Li, Quansheng Sun (2011). “Application and Study of G-M Method in Stress Analysis of Small-radius Curve Box Beam Bridge”. Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control.


8 . Quansheng Sun,Maoqi Li (2011). “Study of Application of G-M Method to Stress Analysis of Sharp Radius Curved Box Girder Bridge”. World Bridges.


9 .Li Maoqi,Sun Quansheng(2011). “G-M Method Application in stress analysis of Small-radius curved bridge”. 2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE) .


10 .Sun Quansheng ,Chang Jifeng(2011). “DHGF Theory Based on the Concrete Bridge Safety Evaluation Methods”. The 2011international International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials(CEABM2011) .


11 .Sun Quansheng ,Zhang Qingchen(2011). “Damage Detection of Self-anchored Suspension Bridge Basded on Neural Network Model and Genetic-Simulated Annealing Algorithm”.2011International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials,CEBM 2011.


12 .Sun Quansheng ,Zhang Qingchen(2011). “Analysis of Parameter Sensitivity in Construction Control of Inclined Pylon Cable-stayed Bridge without Backstays”.2011International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials,CEBM 2011.


13 .Sun Quansheng ,Wang Jiawei(2011). “The study of the single column special-shaped bridge’s calculation and key detected technologies”. Frontiers of Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering.

14 .Fei Hao,Quansheng Sun(2012). Research on the Temperature Fields and Insulating Layers of Highway Tunnels in a Cold Region. Modern Tunnelling Technology.

15 .Quansheng Sun,Qingchen Zhang,Shuang Zhang(2012). Support Reaction Analysis and Control of Bearing Hanging in the Air of Curved Steel Box Girder. World Bridges.

16 . Fei Hao,Quansheng Sun,Xiaojie Zhou(2012). Prediction of Convergence of Large Cross-section Soft Soil Tunnels Based on Neural Network. Tunnel Construction.

17 .Quansheng Sun,Xiaoguang Guo(2012). “Research of Allowable Acceleration of Rotational Cable-stayed Bridge on Flat Spin Acceleration Phase. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

18 .Quansheng Sun,Hang Sun, Qingchen Zhang(2012). Based on The Influence Matrix of Monitoring Analysis of Suspension Bridges When Building DatumStrand. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

19 .Quansheng Sun,Dajie Li(2012). Analysis of Closure Sequence for Long Unit and Long Span Continuous Girder Bride. World Bridges.

20 .Jinghui Li,Huamu Ma,Quansheng Sun(2013). Based on The Flexibility Matrix of Damage Detection Research of An Anchor Suspension Bridge Girder. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

21 .Quansheng Sun,Hongshuai Gao,Dongjiu Zhang(2013). Analysis on Overturning Resistance of Steel Box Girder Curved Single-Column-Supported Bridge with Small Radius. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

22 .Quansheng Sun, Hongshuai Gao(2013). Application of LS - SVM in the Elevation Error of Prediction of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

23 .Xiaojie Zhou,Quansheng Sun(2013). Space Prestressed Friction Test of the Small Radius Ramp Bridge. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management.

24 .Quansheng Sun, Hongshuai Gao(2013).Construction Control of Special Self Anchored Suspension Bridge on System Transformation. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

25 .Quansheng Sun,Tong Wu,Walter Yang,Reginald DesRoches(2013). Analysis of Impact to Damage State of One Span with Hinge in Different Longitudinal Spacings of Hinge. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management.

26 .Lili Zhang,Quansheng Sun(2013). Contrastive Analysis of Actual Bride Tests before and after Curved Arch Bride Were Strengthened by Steel the Two Way Plates. World Bridges.

27 .Quansheng Sun,Honglei Zhang(2013). Study on evaluation parameter of decay of salt-freeze-thaw resistance for reinforced concrete. Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering.

28 .Tong Wu,Walter Yang,Quansheng Sun,Reginald DesRoches(2013). Analysis of damage state of one span California Yuba Bridge based on with a hinge in OpenSees. World Earthquake Engineering.

29 .Quansheng Sun,Pengfei Zhang(2013). Unstressed Length Control Error Impact Analysis of Self-anchored Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cables. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

30 .Quansheng Sun,Jian Gong(2014). Response-surface based on finite element model updating of a Self-anchored Suspension Bridge. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

31 .Quansheng Sun,Jifeng Chang(2014). Thaw Settlement Prediction of Permafrost Subgrade Based on Support Vector Machine. Highway Engineering.

32 . Pengfei Zhang,Quansheng Sun(2014). Experimental analysis of the bridge strengthening by composite mortar prestressed steel cable. Building Structure.

33 .Quansheng Sun,Jinliang Song(2014). Load Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge without Backstays By Tilt Angle.Highway.

34 .Tong Wu,Quansheng Sun,Walter Yang(2014). Influence of mass arrangement pattern on seismic response of curved bridge. World Earthquake Engineering.

35 .Changping Li,Quansheng Sun(2014). Analysis and research of performance for waterproof adhesive layer of hollow slab. New Building Materials.

36 .Fengdan Wu,Quansheng Sun(2015).A Loading Test Research of Steel Cable-stayed Bridge with Long Pick Arm and Single Cable Plane. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

37 .Quansheng Sun,Hongguang Han(2015). Study on Mechanical Behavior of Cable-Stayed Arch Bridge without Backstays. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

38 .Quansheng Sun,Fengdan Li(2014). The Cause Analysis of a Three-hole Snecked Arch Bridge Collapse In The Northern Region. Highway Engineering.

39 .Quansheng Sun,Haiyan Yu,Jianwei Miao(2015). Comparison of Calculation Methods for Measured Cable Forces of Cable-Stayed Bride. World Bridges.

40 .Quansheng Sun, Hongshuai Gao(2015). Analysis of dynamic responses due to train’s vibration of long cantilever for rotational cable-stayed bridge under elevated condition. World Earthquake Engineering.

41 .Quansheng Sun,Jifeng Chang(2015). Study on Displacement Field Response of Patchy Subgrade along with the Ground Temperature in Degenerative Permafrost Regions. Highway Engineering.

42 .Quansheng Sun,Anxin Meng(2015). The Mechanical Performance and the Stability Analysis of the Three Span Continuous Special Shape Arch Bridge with Inclined Booms. Highway Engineering.

43 .Quansheng Sun,Jianwei Miao(2015). Static and Dynamic Behavior Analysis of One Twin Tower and Three-span Self-anchored Pedestrian Suspension Bridge. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

44 .Dandan Gu,Quansheng Sun(2015). Study of Static Tests for Using MPC Composite Material to Strengthen Void Plate Girder Bridge. World Bridges..

45 .Quansheng Sun, Hongshuai Gao, Haiyan Yu(2015). Reasonable Internal Force State Analysis of  Established Cable-Stayed Bridge without Backstays. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.

46 .Quansheng Sun, Haiyan Yu(2016). The Load Test and The Research of Reinforcement Technology of Rigid-frame Arch Bridge with Wide Deck. Highway Engineering..

47 .Quansheng Sun,Kexin Zhang(2016). The Cable Damage of Influence onThe Natural Vibration Characteristics of Cable-Stayed Bridge without Backstays. Journal of China & Foreign Highway.


Article and Books:

1.Bin Zhang and Quansheng Sun (1997) “Introduction to Bridge Structural Analysis Program.” Heilongjiang People's Publishing House.


2.Deren Xin and Quansheng Sun (1999). “Thin-walled Box Girder Bending and Torsion.” Heilongjiang map publishing house.


3.Dawei Zhao,Fuquan Liu and Quansheng Sun(2000), Operation Management of High Grade Highway, Heilongjiang People's Publishing House.


4.Quansheng Sun (2007) “Load-carrying Capacity Modeling and Evaluation of Existing Bridges.” Heilongjiang map publishing house..


5.Quansheng Sun and Lifeng Wang (2007). “Traffic Civil CAD.” Northeast Forestry University.

6.Wengang Duan and Quansheng Sun (2012). “Detection and Evaluation of Highway Bridge.’’ Harbin map publishing house .

7.Ming Gao and Quansheng Sun (2015). “Research of Cracking Causes and Reinforcement Technology of Prestressed Concrete Continuous Box Girder Bridge.” Harbin map publishing house.


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