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1. 论文:An indicator of relative distribution probability of field-scale permafrost in Northeast China: Using a particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based indicator composition algorithm.Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2024. SCI

2. 论文:Long-Term Changes inthe Permafrost Temperature and Surface Frost Number in Northeast China.atmosphere.2024. SCI

3. 论文:Spatial stratified heterogeneity analysis of field scale permafrost in Northeast China based on optimal parameters-based geographical detector. PLOS ONE.2024.SCI

4. 论文:Permafrost Probability Mapping at a 30 m Resolution in Arxan Based on Multiple Characteristic Variables and Maximum Entropy Classifier.APPLIED SCIENCESBASEL. 2023.SCI

5. 论文:Simulation of Spatiotemporal Distribution and Variation of 30 m Resolution Permafrost in Northeast China from 2003 to 2021.Sustainability. 2023.SCI

6. 论文:Mapping the Thermal State of Permafrost in Northeast China Based on the Surface Frost Number Model.REMOTE SENSING.2022.SCI

7. 论文:Spatial Distribution and Variation Characteristics of Permafrost Temperature in Northeast China.SUSTAINABILITY.2022.SCI

8. 发明专利:一种冻土空间分布图生成方法、装置及设备

9. 宣传报导:科技日报-我国东北地区多年冻土分布图编制完成(2022.08.08)

10. 宣传报导:科技日报-东北大尺度高分辨率多年冻土制图完成(2023.10.12)


1. 论文:Ground Temperature Monitoring and Simulation of Temperature Field Changes in Block-Stone Material Replacement Foundation for the Shiwei–Labudalin Highway. APPLIED SCIENCESBASEL. 2024. SCI

2. 论文:Monitoring of the Icing Process and Simulation of Its Formation Mechanism in the Cut Slope of Beihei Highway. Water. 2024. SCI

3. 论文:Process and numerical simulation of landslide sliding caused by permafrost degradation and seasonal precipitation.Natural Hazards. 2024.SCI

4. 论文:Hydrological-thermal Coupling Simulation of Silty Clay during Unidirectional Freezing Based on Discrete Element Method. Water.2023.SCI

5. 论文:Thermohydromechanical coupling analysis and engineering verification of gravel pile groups for strengthening permafrost marshland highway foundations.BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT.2023.SCI

6. 论文:Foundation Replacement Materials on the Hydrothermal Variation and Deformation Process of Highway Subgrades in Permafrost Regions.Water.2024.SCI

7. Establishment and Experimental Verification of Stress-Temperature Coupled Damage Model of Warm Frozen Soil.GEOFLUIDS.2022.SCI

8. 发明专利:一种多年冻土区地基处理方法

9. 发明专利:基于轻量化BIM的装配式桥梁施工监控方法、系统及设备

10. 发明专利:一种用于冻土区公路的一体化监测预警系统及其应用方法

11. 地方标准:内蒙古自治区地方标准《高纬度多年冻土区公路路基监测规程》(DB15/T 2425-2021)


1. 论文:Geological methane emissions and wildfire risk in the degraded permafrost area of the Xiao Xing'an Mountains, China.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.2020.SCI

2. 论文:Swamp Wetlands in Degraded Permafrost Areas Release Large Amounts of Methane and May Promote Wildfires through Friction Electrification.

3. 论文:Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Fire Scars Further Prove the Correlation between Permafrost Swamp Wildfires and Methane Geological Emissions.Sustainability.2022.SCI

4. 论文:Impacts of Climate Change on Permafrost and Hydrological Processes in Northeast China.Sustainability.2023. SCI

5. 论文:Dynamic Analysis in Surface Water Area and Its Driving Factors in Northeast China from 1988 to 2020. WATER.2022. SCI

6. 实用新型专利:一种土壤双碳气体及TOVC气体检测装置


1. 论文:Response of the Alpine Timberline to Residual Permafrost Degradation in Mount Wutai. FORESTS. 2024.SCI

2. 论文:Response of Alpine Timberline to Permafrost Degradation on Changbai Mountain. Sustainability.2023.SCI

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